Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wild Flower Watch II

Well Deb had a bit of work to catch up on , and I was pottering around the house so it was pretty late before we got out and about yesterday. It was sunny and very still so although it was just an hour or so before sunset we headed out so I could see if a week had made much of a difference to the varieties of wildflowers on display at the old Queenstown Cemetery.
At first glance there didn’t seem to be much different from last week. The minute pea flower and the bearded heath.
I decided to have a closer look because many of these wildflower species are very hard to spot among the grasses.

Within a minute of making that resolution I spotted one bright yellow flower hugging the ground.
Not a brilliant piccie but worth sharing 
I think it is a “Trailing Goodenia” (Goodenia lanata). There were a number of Goodenia plants hiding among the grasses. But thus far it was the only solitary bloom.

Then within a step I saw this delicate beauty.
This tiny half opened flower is of a “Tall Sundew” probably (Drosera peltata)
Here some buds that have not opened these tiny buds are less than 6mm (1/4 inch across)
And the sticky carnivorous leaves that give these lovely killers their name.
If you look closely
I mean really close, this one has caught a passing ant.
Then I thought I would catch some more shots of bearded heath, because I love this amazing little thing.
It wasn’t until I looked at this piccie on my camera I even spotted this minute insect.
It was tiny, less than an inch long (including antennae). It looks something like a cross between a stick insect and a grass-hopper. 
I couldn’t resist trying a closer shot. Alas I am no more an entomologist than I am a botanist so I will let you speculate what it is
 By the time I finished playing with my insect friend it was the last of the light.

I paused briefly to shoot this sundew flower, 
again this flower is just over 6mm so I am really blowing it up.

Then finally as I was about to head for home I saw this solitary orchid.
I had never seen one of these before (although they are not particularly rare) I am almost certain it is a Waxlip Orchid (Glossodia major), 
This flower was much larger than any of the others I have photographed in the cemetery at a bit over 25mm (1 inch).
I think it is exquisite, and spent perhaps 15 minutes trying to get my camera into different positions to capture its beauty.

Alas It was just too dark to do it real justice and I don’t have a macro flash (anyone have a spare $500?)
I was hoping to get back today if the weather was decent, but unfortunately it was blowing a gale, which effectively makes it impossible to get good wild flower shots.
SO here’s looking forward to see what has come out next weekend.


Linda G. said...

Now, don't let this go to your head, but you are a brilliant photographer. I think I love your flower piccies as much as your waterfall photos--so beautiful!

Misha Gerrick said...

Wow I love your picturses! My favorites are the orchids. ^_^

Btw I'm in the process of going through you WiP. Will hopefully get it to you by next weekend.

mshatch said...

the orchid is lovely and it's my favorite color :)

I think you take pretty good piccies, too!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

The orchid is beautiful. Funny, but I've never cared for orchids in a corsage or vase, but when I find one growing in the wild, I act as though I'd discovered a gold nugget. Lovely.