Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another Sunny Saturday Afternoon.

Well this morning dawned dreary wet and grey as so much of our weather has for months.
But by lunch time the sun was looking like it might show its face.

So Deb and I got out and about.
 The best time for spring wildflowers is not far off, so I thought that as well as my usual wander I would have a bit of a look for early starters.
Because we set out late we stayed fairly close to home, only venturing as far as the Kinglake National Park. 

We headed out to Mount Sugarloaf. Like the area I was in last week this place was devastated by the 2009 Black Saturday Fires.
 The skyline is dominated by dead trees.
I was too optimistic, most of the flowers are still tucked up waiting for warmer weather, although I did see a lot of native irises growing (not yet flowering) so it may be worth a few more visits in coming weeks.

Having said that one native was doing its best to cheer things up.
Happy Wanderer (Hardenbergia violacea)  was growing everywhere, in some places the vines were almost like a carpet.
And here are some close-ups.
I love their happy little faces!


mshatch said...

how did you know purple was my favorite color? They look a bit orchid-like, gorgeous.

Summer is almost over here :(

Jai Joshi said...

Ah, those little spring flowers just make my day! I love how you're gearing up for the end of winter and I'm gearing up for the end of summer. Autumn and spring are my favourite seasons, just right.


Lilly said...

Beautiful photos. Found your blog from Blog Catalog when looking for other Australian blogs to follow.