This evening Deb and I took advantage
of the lengthening days and spring weather to go for a stroll across
our place and into our neighbours property.
The block next door is a bush block
entirely covered by a mix of regrowth wet sclerophyll forest and
temperate rainforest. The block is owned by family friends who I have
known for ever.
R and M are former hippies who moved up
into the area with a hippie wave in the 1970s. In the late 70s early
80s they set up a small scale timber milling business that initially
specialised in salvaging fallen timber.
As time went by their business expanded
and salvage timber just wasn't providing enough timer to keep them
So they bought the forest block next
door to us to log.
Does that sound like a contradiction in
A hippie run timber industry?
Well R and M argue that well run
forestry is the most sustainable industry in the world.
I have to admit that I mostly agree
with them.
As you walk along the track into
their private forest you are surrounded by towering Blue-gums at
least 30 metres (100 feet) tall.
To my knowledge this forest has been
worked over by loggers five times since 1920, the last time was by R
and M in the late 1990s.
Despite that, because of the methods
the loggers use there is still plenty of habitat and teeming
wildlife, both flora and fauna.
Yes, areas like this new trail cut in
to get access look pretty stark, but eighteen months after the
loggers stop using this trail in this high rainfall area the forest
will be reclaiming it.
Yet, walking through the area you find
ghosts of what was here a hundred years ago.
This chunk of a tree isn't a stump
but a section cut of the base of a log to make it light enough to tow
away using a bullock team some time before 1920. 

I have leant my
walking pole (4 feet long) against it to give a scale. The forest
that was here once must have been spectacular; the like of which we
will not see again, at least not for generations.
It would be cool to get a glimpse of what THAT forest might have looked like. Imagine how immense it must've been...
Wow - the forest does look quite nice ... until you realize what it once was.
Fascinating Al. I'm all for sustainable forestry. But I feel sad for the very big trees that are probably gone for ever.
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