Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Al Goes in Circles Or 199 Posts. And Al asks a favour

Back on the 8th of July last year I posted my first ever blog post.

Tonight I am posting my 199th post.

Which means my next post is my 200th post!

So not quite 200 post ago I was saying a few things about myself and posting some of my piccies.

Including this one:The above piccie is one of my favourite ever photos. Not only because I am happy with the way it came out but also because I really like the place it was taken. And I was having a great day that day.

Now apart from going in circles with the piccie, I thought I would go in circles in another way and make my 200th post about me.

But just to make it a bit different I will get you, my dear readers, to participate. What I thought was I will make this celebratory post one where I answer questions about me.

So what I would like is for you to ask me a question (or several if you chose). It can be about anything, but preferably it will be about me.

Then in my next post I will do my best to answer what ever questions you have for me.

Now another piccie because I can.


Samantha VĂ©rant said...

Hmmm. A question. Okay. If you could spend New Year's eve with one person unknown to you, alive or dead, who would it be? (By unknown, I mean not your family,friends)

Anonymous said...

If you could spend a day as someone from the past, who would it be and why?

Ann said...

Oh Christine that is a great question...wish I had asked it! Now I can't think of one. Still can't think of one. Will have to pop back when the brain works. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Where in the world is the gate and it's wrong way round granite book-ends? Looks UK like to me??!

Cheers Al & congratulations on 199 and counting ..

Happy Christmas and New Year .. Hilary

Hart Johnson said...

That IS a great pic, and a very cool looking place... as to the favour... well... because you included the 'U'...

If your writing hit it really big, so you could live however you wanted, how would you set up your life?

Wendy R said...

Right on to your 200th Al - and best wishes to all those who keep returning here!

My question. When, where and how would you live if you had the power to do so?

Old Kitty said...

Congratulations with your 200th post to come!! Yay!!!

I do like the strange broken alcove around the gate!!!

Ooh question!!!!! Erm.... know any good jokes?

:-) Take care

Sarah Ahiers said...

LOVE that first photo! Do you think there used to be an arch above the gate?

Heidenkind said...

Congratulations on (almost) 200 posts!

What's your favorite book?

Deniz Bevan said...

Ooh, good idea. Hmm, well, along the lines of everyone else's questions - which fictional character would you like to have over for dinner?
Congratulations on your 200th post!

Susan Fields said...

I answered reader questions a while back and it was so much fun - I loved writing those posts!

My question: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

MTeacress said...

Is there something you'd like to photograph that you've yet to have the opportunity to do so?

Merry Christmas, Al!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Al. Happy Christmas!

A question: What lead to your love of photography? I love your favourite pic. You should join the blogfest on Jan 1st which is to just show a favourite pic and tell us about it. Details in my side bar - Eye Candy blogfest.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Is that a part of Hadrian's Wall. We saw a section but it was only a couple of feet tall, crumbling in the undergrowth with sheep all about. A question.....do you hang a Christmas stocking? Have you ever hung one with it only to end up empty?

Jemi Fraser said...

Love that gate - so many possibilities!

When did you get your first camera? Do you remember the first photo you took that made you realize you were really good with the camera?

What's your favourite subject to photograph?

Jayne said...

Hi Al! Love the gate with its wonky walls - it does look like the UK to me, but someone has already asked you about the gate so my question will be about:

Writing! Can you share with us your writing routine - does it start with coffee, do you write better in the morning or at night?

Thanks - great idea to celebrate 200 posts!