Well it is Sunday evening and I have literally walked back in the door after having just spent six hours in the car. Deb and I took off for an impromptu weekend away on Friday evening. Where we went was six hours drive each way so I just didn’t have a moment to reveal my WIIW on Friday as I had planned.
Most of you guessed reptile, or crocodile, or crocodile’s eye for this image.

I can see that, it does look a bit like a crocs brow and eye. But it isn’t
Well you were right that it was an animal, but it is neither scaly nor a reptile.
It is an ear not an eye and an amphibian not a reptile!
Michelle Teacress guessed it is a frog

I snapped this little guy last spring at the Yea wetlands. Despite the fact he was on the ground he is a tree frog. He is one of those species that has a few common names, Peron's Tree Frog, the Emerald Spotted Tree Frog, the Laughing Tree Frog or the Maniacal Cackle Frog (
Litoria peronii).
Yea is the southern part of their range, they are common across a large area of SE Oz. We used to get these guys hanging around on our windows when we lived in southern Queensland. They would catch moths and other insects that were attracted to our lights. They can walk across a window pane using those sticky pads on their toes. Clever!
With a nickname like Maniacal Cackle Frog, I had to go find a video with their call on it. Hilarious!
Awwww it's a beauty with a fab name!!!! Take care
we have little tree frogs here that I find on our glass door, just hanging out. Peepers, we call them. Can't wait to hear them. It will mean spring is coming :)
Maniacal Cackle Frog? What a great name for an ugly little guy!
He looks much less intimidating from a distance.
Great name!
Wow, a frog? I would never have guessed that. I thought it was the eye of some reptile.
Aw! I love frogs. I would have never guessed. ;)
*patting self on the back* (except that I forgot a frog is not a reptile - doy)
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