Deb and I went south to Barwon Heads and Queenscliff, down at the south end of Port Phillip Bay for a night.
As is my wont I took quite a number of piccies, although not as many as usual. Yesterday was absolutely beautiful spring weather and I just unwound for the day and barely touched my camera.
It was not until the evening when we were sitting up on this bluff at Barwon Heads that I took any piccies.
A quick word about “prawns”. I believe: in the US they are called “shrimp" and in the UK the small ones are called “shrimp” and the larger ones “prawns”. Here they are all “prawns”, if we want to distinguish by size we call the smaller ones “school prawns” and the larger ones “king prawns”. Oh, and the calamari I am referring to here are rings of squid lightly battered and deep fried. All of this feast was cooked exactly right and was simply heavenly!
Now where was I? The evening and the bluff.
As we ate, the sun began setting so I interrupted our feast to shoot these piccies.
A vote!
What would you like me to post about next:
More about my trip this weekend including Fort Queenscliff.
Hi Al!
Lovely photos as always. I would vote for your mother's place, these pictures you provide look very interesting.
Hope you're well, always a pleasure to see your take on this beautiful country!
Oh, I'd have enjoyed that fishy feast!
Gorgeous pics, as ever.
The choice is difficult. I'm tempted by Fort Queenscliff as you might give us a little history. On the other hand, your mother's place has a stronger pull since you might share something of your connection with the place. I vote for your mother's place.
I vote for your mum's place cos I'm nosey!! :-)
These are beautiful pic of the bluff (what is a bluff??!) at Barwon Head!! Gorgeous sunset, sea, cliffs - yummy food!!! Great stuff!!
I like that all of shrimp/prawn are prawns! :-) Take care
Glad you're having a relaxing weekend. Your book arrived yesterday - so hope to read it next weekend. Many thanks!
Definitely vote for your mum's place - sounds interesting.
Al glad you and Deb had a good time. I got the book this week and am reading it now. Well not right this minute, but you know what I mean.
As to the vote Mum's place please...
Now back to the book.
Ah, we are all nosy and want to know more about your mum's place!
Actually, it sounds like the US and Britain mostly do the same--if someone says Prawns, I know they mean big shrimp--shrimp are the little salad and cocktail guys (though my son loves 'popcorn shrimp'--which is deep fried of the same. I think there are some DISHES that use shrimp when they mean prawns (especially Asian food)... whatever the case, I love them.--What a fabulous sunset! Looks like a great weekend!
Mum's place!
I agree, your Mum's! And then the trip. =) (I can't just pick one!)
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