I’m back from my holiday at Merimbula. I realised the other day while I was driving home an important anniversary had passed.
Before you all think I am in the doghouse for missing our wedding anniversary, things are not that dramatic.
The anniversary I missed was my first blogiversary (probably not a word but what the heck).
It was on the Eighth of July 2009 that I posted the first time.
My blog is a year old!
The nerd in me notes I have made 137 posts since then which means I have averaged a post about every 2.7 days.
I have posted 795 piccies over the twelve months, most of them my own photos.
My list of followers has grown to 143 since Kathleen Jones found my blog just a few days after I started.
blog is well worth checking out by the way. Kathleen is a published author and poet who resides in a gorgeous spot in England’s Lake District (when she’s not spending time with her partner Neil in Peralta in Italy).
I would like to say a big thanks to all of you who have followed my wanderings and a bigger thanks to those who have taken the time to comment. Comments seem like the icing on an already pretty enjoyable blogging cake.
So where to from here?
Probably more of the same. I hope to post a little more frequently (because I’ve been a bit slack lately). Generally I guess I’ll post more piccies as I take them (or more realistically sort them, I’ve got over 2,000 that I have taken just in the past few weeks).
Hopefully I’ll also have more news about my book Veiled in Shadows in the near future.
I guess I’ll talk about the WIP from time to time.
My family and work will also no doubt feature.
Other than that I suppose I’ll just run with ideas as they take me.
In celebration of my blogiversary I’d like to run a little giveaway.
What am I giving away? Well it seems to me that the obvious thing to give away is some of my piccies.
So to that end the lucky winner will receive three 8” by 10” prints of any of my piccies from this blog. The winner chooses the piccies they want.
Just a few caveats: a small number of the piccies on the blog are not mine, I can’t give away prints of those; and a few piccies are cropped from larger images and would not print well at 8” by 10”, if the winner really wanted those I could organise smaller prints.
The rules to enter the give away:
The competition is open to people anywhere in the world.
You must leave a comment on this post.
You must be a follower of my blog (new followers are welcome to enter too).
Now my mercenary side comes out, if you post about my giveaway on your blog I will give you an extra 2 entries.
I will keep entries into the giveaway open until Sunday the 18th of July 2010 to give people time to enter.
Once I have chosen a winner at random (my decision will be final) I will contact the winner so they can choose the piccies they would like to receive as prints.
Now because a post from me would feel naked without piccies:
Rocks and Waves at Bermagui (an hour north of Merimbula)

The “Blue Pool”, Bermagui

Mimosa Rocks National Park

Beach + Nobody, Mimosa Rocks National Park

Eastern Grey Kangaroo and half grown joey, Mimosa Rocks National Park

Banksia Flower and bud, Mimosa Rocks National Park

Banksia seed pod (open)

Tathra Warf at sunset.

Tathra Bay at sunset