Life has been hectic since then.
I was sick (with the cold/flu/bronchitis whatever it was) for nearly four weeks in total.
Then my mum had to go back into hospital for a few days (thank goodness for the universal health care we have in Oz).
Since she has been out Deb and I have been spending a lot of time helping mum and Stan (mum's husband) with basic chores like meals etc.
On the plus side, my mental health continues to improve. My depression/anxiety is almost under control. Apart from the occasional moment (usually quickly controlled with my CBT techniques) I am pretty much well.
Also I am writing again, working on revisions of my second novel Veil of Iron. It is going slowly because life is so busy, but it is going again.
The novel is part of the reason this blog has been on hold. I have been loath to spend my precious writing time anywhere other than on the book.
So where to from here?
Well I am going to try posing here at least once a week (hopefully more often).
Finally I want to share a few piccies I took this evening.
Late this afternoon we had a shower of rain. that soon cleared off.
Then as the sun got close to the horizon our valley began to fill with mist.
It began to be a wonderful display so of course I had to get the camera out.
This is a sample of what I caught

Then as the sun sank lower it created some amazing patterns of light through the Blue Gums on the western side of our paddock.

This final shot as a moment later, but wider to show how deep blue the sky above the mist was getting.

Glad you're back. I'm on hiatus for the time being, thinking of coming back to the blogs in a couple of weeks.
Blogging once a week is all you really need these days, I think. I totally agree with you, When writing, I think you should devote all your time to the book.
So don't feel badly for not being around. It's all about the writing.
Good to see a post from you!! I'm sorry to read about your mum. She is very lucky to have her family around her. As for your health and well being please please please look after yourself too. Glad you are writing again! That's always a positive! Thanks for these gorgeous pics! Take care
Lovely pics; that blue is stunning! I've been taking a blogging break to work on revisions of my latest but i have been poking my head in now and again and I spotted you on my blog roll so had come say hi :)
Wow, what a very interesting content you have there. Every line i read is just like i open a new world. Please post more often,because this is exactly the type of content i want every day. i promise to visit everyday.
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