Thursday, March 31, 2011

Georgian Villages Again.

Well I am finally reaching the end of the saga of posting our Tassie trip. This is my penultimate post and features one of two villages we stopped off in on our last day in Tassie.

We started the morning in Hobart in the south of the state. Our flight was from Launceston in the evening. We followed the Tasman Highway north.

Oatlands is one of the villages the highway bypasses and we hadn’t intended stopping, but as we shot by something caught my eye and I just had to turn off. More of that in a moment.

Like much of Tassie walking the main street is a bit like stepping back into the 19th century. It is also like crossing half the world and dropping into an English village.

The village is largely built of local convict-cut sandstone. Most have corrugated iron roofs that replace the original shingles.

Almost every building was worth photographing so I’ve picked a few at random to share.

Little cottages like thisGrander residencesFormer shops now residencesShops that still fulfil their original function.The colours of this one caught my eye.I loved the faded sign on the side of this one.A sweet old barnThe ANZ bank with attached manager’s residence.These timber shops are more typical of those you would see in small Oz country towns.Now to the sight that brought me into town.

Callington Mill built in 1837.Alas, the sun was badly placed for getting good shots of the front of the sails
The mill has been lovingly restored and is fully functioning.

Standing along side are the miller’s cottage And the granary.Another out building

The roofs have been restored to the original hand-split timber shingles that would have once clad most of the town's buildings. Buildings like these in Melbourne would have been built with Welsh slate shingles. But Tasmania didn’t have the wealth of the Victorian goldfields to draw on, so they opted for a cheaper local option.


Old Kitty said...

What a beautiful village!!! I do like how the bank manager's house is bigger than the bank (or have I got that the wrong way round??!?!?) LOL!

Anyway - yay for fully restored and lovingly looked after windmills!!

Take care

Hannah said...

I would love to live in that first one. And I've always had this weird dream of living in a lighthouse, with the waves crashing and me writing next to a fire. Great pics as usual!

Vicki Rocho said...

Lovely! I've sooo got to visit.

Jemi Fraser said...

Those buildings are fascinating! I love the solid feel of them - very comforting places. The mill is fantastic too!

Al said...

Hi Jennifer,
I guess bank managers are VIPs!
It is a fab windmill, I was really pleased to see it.

Hi Kat,
Oatlands is wonderful. They are all there when you have time ;-)
We have pretty much abandoned shingles or shakes in Oz. Tiles or corrugated iron are our preferred roofing materials.
There is an Abel Tasman memorial in Hobart. I didn’t quite manage to see it in my visit to Hobart.

Hi Hannah,
I wouldn’t mind living their either!
That is a gorgeous dream!

Hi Vicki,
You must drop in Downunder, Tassie is one of the best bits!

Hi Jemi,
It is a great village and the mill is the best part!