Well after around two weeks of silence I am resurfacing.
So why the hiatus in blogging?
Well as I said last time Deb and I were moving interstate.
But why? Well that is a long story.
I have mentioned in the past that I am a country boy, I even posted about a fantasy of (as we Aussies would say) "going bush".
I posted a piccie of this little cottage which is up in the mountains of NSW on a family property (in Oz the word "cottage" just means a small house)

I fantasized about retreating there with time to write and living an idyllic life.
Well I guess we have taken a few steps on a journey towards that dream.
At the end of last year our eldest daughter E, completed her studies and planned to move away for work. Our number two daughter Io announced she would be moving to Sydney with her boyfriend. Finally our youngest, only 18, but finishing her Bachelor of Science this year announced she was going to move into on-campus accommodation.
We were going to be empty-nesters.
So it was time for a re-evaluation.
Melbourne is in many ways a wonderful place to live but it is well and truly part of the rat-race.
My fantasy beckoned again.
I managed to find part time work nearish to the property (only an hour drive away).
So we have decided to jump for it.
Our possessions have been moved into storage
Deb and I are now sharing a room at my Mum's house so we can begin making the cottage fit to move into.
It has been standing empty for nearly 20 years...