I said that they were almost literally around the corner from each other (at least in Oz terms all within about 15 kilometres). I noted that there was a third set of falls in the immediate area and promised to complete the triplet of falls in the near future.
Well here is the third of the triplet and this waterfall is actually called the Triplet falls.
As you can see from this piccie the channel breaks into three. To catch all three branches in one piccie is actually really hard.
The waterfall is in quite dense rainforest and is too wide for a conventional camera lens except at an obtuse angle like this.
This second piccie of the day is of the right-hand and widest of the three branches
wow. So pretty. Reminds me that I have yet to take a drive and check out some of the falls here in Maine. I just need more time!
Most beautiful falls picture yet!
As if I wasn't jealous enough of the other waterfalls you had to go and post these pics. Thanks a lot, Al! Now I'm going to log off and go sulk in my flat neighbourhood in my flat state that has practically no natural water springs and certainly no waterfalls. Grrr....
Seriously, I'm in love. These triplet falls are so gorgeous.
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