Which drew a question from Anne Gallagher:
“Oh wow, what a beautiful beach. If there was a beach like that here in the states it would be filled with people. Where is everyone in Tasmania?”
Well to answer your question there are some Tasmanians there down the other end about 6 of them. (if you click the piccie to embiggen it you can just about see them as dots at the far end)
Why only six on such a gorgeous beach?
There is a story to that.
Tasmania is the smallest state in Oz. By Aussie standards Tasmania is tiny at 90,768 square kilometres (34,042 square miles). Compared to Western Australia (2,645,615 square km) it is a baby.
But Tassie’s size should not be sneezed at.
To put it in perspective it is almost exactly the same size as Maine in the US.
It is about a sixth bigger than all of Scotland in the UK.
Scotland which is considered to be sparsely populated by UK standards has 5,254,800 people.
Maine by comparison is sparsely populated with 1,328,188
Tasmanians are even scarcer than Mainers. In the whole state there are only 511,718.
So there are plenty of beaches to go around in Tassie!
Plus - some of those beaches require "Real Trekking" to get to, either on foot in full hiking gear, or, by 4WD vehicle, or by boat, or, all three combined!
Well, now I know where to go if I ever want an undiscovered stretch of sand. Thanks for the explanation Al. It's beautiful down there.
Right!! Tasmania is about to have a population of 511,719 + one cat who will not terrorise the native wildlife! Yay! Ahem! take care
Gorgeous! But where are the Tasmanian Devils hiding?
P.S. No Hump Day post on my blog today--since it's not Hump Day here yet--but check back tomorrow.
Tasmania also has way better beaches than Maine does and I know cuz I live here! Not that there aren't some nice ones but the coast is pretty rocky and most of the 'sandy' beaches are in the southern part of the state. But I still like it here - next best thing to CA :)
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