We got so carried away with working I hardly paused to take any piccies...
First up I fitted the bedroom window in place (no piccie I am afraid).
I moved to the lounge room and pulled down the frame of the east wall to frame up the new window. Again some of the timbers were rotted but it wasn't as bad as the bedroom.
This piccie shows the new framework around the window from inside.
I managed a piccie of outside at the same time. As you can see the bedroom window is in place and the framing and foil lining are done on the whole eastern wall of the house.
On Easter Sunday we headed down to Coffs Harbour to pick our daughter Lu up from the airport. So not much happeed on the house on Sunday.
On Monday I managed to get the new window into the east wall of the lounge before the failing light and inclement weather forced an early halt. I just can't get enough of the views up here.
View to die for eh?
This is coming along so well. You must be very proud. I chopped down some trees in the yard on Saturday. Lot of work, but the fence should go in nicely.
Just think how pleased you'll be when the cottage is ready and you and Deb are happily ensconced :)
Nice! A window with a view. It's what sold me on undertaking our remodel. A view can't be bought.
Oh the view is gorgeous!! What a lovely scene to see from your brand new window! Yay! Take care
It's coming on really well. Brilliant to be able to follow all the stages of construction like this!
Wow - you're really making progress! A couple of weeks ago, I'd have thought you were years away from getting this thing done; astonishing work you're doing.
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