However a couple of people were kind of in the same ball park.
Jennifer (AKA Old Kitty) thought: “Emu legs!”
No, and they aren’t exactly legs at all, but a kind of extension.
Linda G. Was on the same track and if anything edged just a little closer with: “Some sort of bird legs. If not a real bird, then maybe a bird statue.”
Marcy admitted defeat with: “As always too tricky for me but I do think the yellow is plastic. No idea otherwise.”
I don’t know, I seem to recall you have been on the money in the past. Well the yellow is actually a fabric covering.
Christine was with Marcy: “Fiendish! I agree with mshatch that the yellow looks like plastic, but I haven't a clue what it is.”
I hope I wasn’t too cruel Christine.
Well the answer, Deb, the Girls and I went to a school fair out in the Yarra Valley (before we took Lilli for her play in the Yarra) .
One of the entertainers at the fair was this young woman, who drew admiring looks of curiosity from these children.

You are getting sneakier and sneakier!
Wow! I would have had no idea what they were.
Al, you are lining up for the 'cruellest blogger' award! Please be kinder to us next week. :-)
I have to admit that the full piccie is charming.
Yipes, how in the world can she walk on those thin thingies. (Which, of course, I TOTALLY would have identified correctly, if I'd been here...) Right.
I told you it was tricksy!!!
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