I deigned to come out from behind the book, for book it was, and hold it up so Deb could snap me with it.
It’s here, it’s finally here! A proof copy of my very own book!
To hold my work in my hands… what an amazing feeling!
It looks fantastic, exactly as I imagined it. The cover (my design) looks even better than I expected.
To say I am over the moon is an understatement. Publication is just around the corner. I just have to check this proof for errors in layout etc. Once I am happy, I give the go ahead to my printer Lightning Source. Then it will be somewhere between two and four weeks before Veiled in Shadows is available on Amazon, The Book Depository and to wholesalers.
Of course at that point the hard work of marketing my baby begins.
Wow, amazing. A bit scary too, but amazing!
Isn't that fantastic, Al.
Congratulations! That's wonderful. I really love the cover (but, then again, I have a deep love of the large, detailed eye :)
Congratulations that is totally fantastic!!!! Best of luck with all of the promotion. I know you'll do great.
*Standing ovation* *Clapping*!
Yay!!! Awwww that's an amazing cover for your book! Oh the whole thing looks fabulous!! Look at it! Your book with your name on it and your stunning design!! And it's all yours!! How brilliant!!
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! Yay again!!
p.s. great to see you too! :-)
Take care
*Standing ovation* *Clapping*!
Yay!!! Awwww that's an amazing cover for your book! Oh the whole thing looks fabulous!! Look at it! Your book with your name on it and your stunning design!! And it's all yours!! How brilliant!!
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! Yay again!!
p.s. great to see you too! :-)
Take care
I'm jumping up and down for you. (really) I remember vividly the day I received my first book in hand back in 2006. I was alone in the house and had no one to scream my joy to. I hope Deb was there with you when the package arrived. Let us know when it's available online and I'll be there!
congratulations! how exciting for you!
Woohoo!!! That's fantastic - love the cover :)
Congrats Al!! :D
I can't even imagine what that would be like...to hold your own published book in your hands :D Ok, I have imagined it, I admit lol.
I'm so happy for you!
That's so awesome - you must be over the moon!
Congrats - and good luck to you in the next phase!
Congrats on the book! Great way to start the weekend, eh?
(psssst. Wendy sent me over I'm now follower #153)
Congratulations, Al. Seeing and touching your own book must be an amazing experience. The cover looks great. Good luck and good wishes with the next phase.
The book looks great Al. That's fantastic news.
Hooray! All of your hard work is finally in your hands! Congrats!
YES!!!! That is wonderful news!!! Congrats! =D
That is so amazing! Congratulations!!! And thanks for sharing the happy event with us. :)
You know I was wondering what that was I saw flying over the moon earlier. Now I know.
Congratulations, Al! I can only imagine how thrilled you must have been to open that package!
Yippee! Congratulations! :) That definitely calls for a champagne toast.
Congrats Al! The cover looks amazing :)
Hi Rayna,
Fantastic is the word. Thank you!
Hi Rosie,
Thank you! I am happy with the cover too.
Hi Anne,
Thank you! I hope so, it’s going too be hard work.
Hi Jennifer,
Takes bow, thank you, thank you!
Hmm, I’m too shy to step out from behind the camera too often ;-)
Hi Wendy,
I am still jumping up and down too. It is a thrill isn’t it?
Deb wasn’t there, but I waited till she came home before I opened it :-).
Will do!
Thanks again for the plug!
Hi Mummazappa,
Thank you!
Hi Jemi,
Thank you, it’s like a dream!
Hi Kyna,
Thank you! I guess you would have imagined it. Your blog kind of suggests a vivid imagination :-)
Hi Jaydee,
Over the moon is it, still coming down!
Hi Milo,
Thank you, I guess I’m going to need it.
Hi Viki,
Welcome to my blog!
You couldn’t get a better way to start a weekend.
Hi Christine,
Thank you!
It is an amazing experience, among a whole chain of amazing experiences.
Hi Christy,
I am really happy with the look. Couldn’t be happier.
Hi Angelique,
Thank you!
Hi Kristen,
Thank you!
It is amazing to hold it
Hi Carolyn,
Wonderful indeed! Thank you!
Hi Susan,
Amazing, exciting . You are welcome, and thank you!
Hi Pamela Jo,
It was me, that is for sure!
Thank you!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you!
Thrilled indeed!
Hi Tasha,
Yippee! Thank you, champagne in buckets!
Hi Aubrie,
Thank you! I am really happy with the cover!
Congratulations Al- it looks perfect!
Enjoy the celebration. There's no feeling like it!
Hi Kathleen,
I guess you've experienced it the odd time :-)
Pretty good isn't it!
I just went through this with my first book, and it has been A-MAzing! I'm so happy for you! Good luck with your marketing!
Wow--A bit late reading this, but congratulations!!
Hi Michelle,
Thank you! Wow I am so pleased you've had this ride too. Hope it's is still all good.
Hi Michele,
Thank you! Better late than never!
I'm still high flying over it all.
Can't believe I nearly missed this, Al! A big huge congratulations from London to you. How fantastic - well done! The cover looks very interesting as well. :)
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